Canon Canada Canon's Canadian website for photography gear
Canon USA Canon's US website for photography gear
Singh-Ray Filters - they make the filters that I use everyday
Outdoor Photography Canada Magazine - new Canadian photo magazine and online photo forums online nature photography magazine - my favorite website! online nature photography magazine - an excellent resource!
Foto Art a camera shop with outstanding service in Owen Sound, Ontario (I buy most of my gear from them)
Nature Organizations & Resources
Audubon a society that protects birds, wildlife and natural lands
Nature Conservancy Canada a highly effective organization which purchases critical natural lands
Ontario Nature protecting and promoting conservation in Ontario
World Wildlife Fund Canada preserving biodiversity
Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) dedicated to birding & ornithology in Ontario (with an amazing listserver called Ontbirds)
Di Labio Birding
my friend, pro-birder Bruce Dilabio offers tours & courses